Category Archives: Juvenile Charges

What are the Four Major Types of Cases in Juvenile Court?
Many people believe the state automatically expunges juvenile criminal convictions when the former defendant turns 21. Although expungement is usually available and, in many cases, easy to obtain, it’s not automatic. Frequently, the negative collateral consequences of a juvenile conviction blindside former defendants. Young adults often forget about events that occurred seven or eight… Read More »

Five Indirect Effects of a Juvenile Criminal Conviction
Some parents believe that troubled children should “take their medicine” and face the full consequences of their actions in juvenile court. The problem with this approach is that, in many cases, the medicine is much stronger than parents believe it is. Juvenile criminal convictions usually have consequences that affect children for years to come…. Read More »

Keeping Juvenile Criminal Records Clean
Under Florida law, adults with juvenile criminal records can petition the court for expunction. However, in most cases, former offenders must wait until they turn 26 to use the automatic expunction provision. Most people begin their adult lives much earlier than that. A criminal record often precludes military enlistment and creates other hardships. Furthermore,… Read More »

Five Most Common Juvenile Crimes
Recently, many lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have determined to get tough on crime. To accommodate this attitude, many local law enforcement agencies have embraced the controversial scared straight theory of juvenile crime enforcement. Advocates claim this approach nips violent crime in the bud. Opponents claim it unfairly targets children and unfairly… Read More »

One Florida City Reinstates Juvenile Curfew
Children in New Smyrna Beach, Florida are subject to immediate arrest if they’re out after 11 p.m. on school nights or midnight on weekends. Proponents argue curfews curb crime and protect youth by keeping them off the streets. “If you limit the opportunity for youth to be out at 11 o’clock, 12 o’clock, one… Read More »

Resolving Juvenile Crimes In Hillsborough County
The direct consequences of a juvenile conviction, such as possible removal from the family home, are bad enough. The collateral consequences, such as drivers’ license suspension and school expulsion, could be even worse. Fortunately for these defendants, the political environment has changed significantly since the 1990s. A lower arrest rate means if a case… Read More »

What Are The Consequences Of Joining A Gang In Florida?
Street gangs began in the early 1900s. Then as now, many people joined what they believed were social organizations. These individuals often don’t know, until it is too late, the entire extent of that organization’s activities. Until recently, gangs mostly committed petty crimes and property crimes. Recently, violent gang activity has increased, in areas… Read More »

What Are The Three Types Of Plea Bargains In Juvenile Cases?
In the Founding Fathers era, and for many years thereafter, jury trials resolved almost all criminal cases in the United States. Bench trials, in which a judge serves as both factfinder and legal referee, were rare, and plea bargains were almost unheard of. Things started changing in the late 1800s. The country was growing… Read More »

Keeping Juvenile Crimes Off Your Permanent Record
Kids make poor decisions, not because they are rebellious, but because they don’t understand risk-reward. That’s why little children chase balls into busy streets. They don’t understand that the risk of being hit by a car far outweighs the reward of getting the ball. That’s also why older children get in trouble with friends…. Read More »

Juvenile Vandalism Cases In Florida: A Closer Look
During coronavirus lockdowns, many police departments stopped responding to non-violent disturbance calls, like reports of vandalism. Now that these restrictions have ended, at least for the most part, many departments are going back to the controversial broken windows law enforcement theory. This theory began gaining popularity in the early 1980s. Proponents insist that low-level… Read More »